q4 financial

Kelly Hill

Kelly Hill. q4 financial.

Bachelor of Business (Accounting)Certified Practising Accountant (CPA)Certificate of Public PracticeTax Agent, Tax Practitioners Board (TPB)Diploma of Financial Planning

Professional memberships

CPA Australia


Commissioner for Declarations
Treasurer – Sherwood State School Fete CommitteePast Treasurer – Tennyson Residents AssociationPast Treasurer – Waterski Queensland

About Kelly Hill...

Kelly Hill is an experienced business owner, leader and mentor who considers helping her clients achieve financial freedom to be her professional purpose.

Among her clients are family-owned businesses, partnerships and professional service providers often in medical, health and well-being sectors and with turnovers in the range of $2m to $10m. They are growth focused and forward thinking, value planning and recognise that funding their retirement cannot solely rest upon the sale of their business.

Calm, focused, honest and with 20 years’ professional experience, Kelly partners with her clients to overcome the isolation that is commonly felt by those leading substantial family-owned enterprises.

Kelly holds her clients to account. She encourages them to extract wealth from their businesses to protect and provide for themselves. She thinks ‘outside the box’; and advises and formulates well-considered financial strategies. She understands that hard work and sacrifice is personal. A thoughtful sounding board, Kelly respectfully challenges her clients and has the courage to say what needs to be said when choices are at odds with stated goals.

Kelly carefully considers the value of, and relationships between four key aspects of her clients lives: business, superannuation, investments and the family home. She develops strategies for profitability and growth, business and personal risk mitigation, wealth extraction and succession.

A Director of q4 financial, Kelly brings empathy, strength and commitment to her leadership role.  She supports and pays close attention to the personal and professional development of her team, genuinely encouraging them to be the best they can be.

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