q4 financial

Enabling Choice

Accountant helping client enabling choice

Enabling Choice

When I speak to new clients they often have similar challenges, the most common being that they don’t have ‘choice’. Choice can be many things to many people, whether that be reduced hours, travel or dedicating more time to family, hobbies, charities and other interests or causes. Achieving that choice and knowing what that looks like is often the desired goal. At q4 financial we help, guide, and challenge our clients to achieve this choice the way they define it. Enabling choice, its what we do.

Accountant showing graphs and charts to client, enabling choice financially

Previously, a safe and comfortable retirement was viewed as the ultimate goal, however, we are seeing people now continuing to work in their chosen field for longer given their passion for what they do. It is with this perspective we are seeing people not looking to retire in the traditional sense, but rather looking for choice to be able to work, play and enjoy their lifestyle as they see fit.

One of the aspects that makes what we do different is the way we approach financial advice and planning. It’s why we apply our q4 framework, and the overarching philosophy of ‘make your money work for you‘, by ensuring each element is employed.  This is how our clients achieve their financial goals sooner.

Having the choice, by knowing they have done enough, saved enough, and invested enough, is a powerful motivator and one thing is for sure, it is never too late to start.

Of course, the sooner someone can start their financial journey by making changes today for tomorrow, the smoother and less painful the path. We always start with an understanding of where our clients are today, followed by where our clients wish to be, by when. Then it is a matter of planning and regular check-ins to ensure they’re heading in the right direction.

It is not a set-and-forget strategy. It is a journey that requires monitoring, adjusting, sacrificing, and celebrating the progress to ensure our clients get to their ultimate destination with the least amount of risk and time. If we are clear on where we wish to be, everything else becomes much more achievable.

One of my most satisfying professional moments in my short career (I say short as I hope to continue this journey for many more years to come) was a conversation with a long-term client. “Do you realise that you have enough assets, which will pay you sufficient income for the rest of your life, and you do not need to turn up for work tomorrow or ever again?

His face, his appreciation for such confirmation, and confidence in that statement changed his world. Imagine the spring in his step, the next time he walked into his practice – because he chooses to be there.

Everyone’s journey is different. We see our role as helping clients understand where they are today. Where they would like to be by when. Lastly, what exactly we can do to ensure they get there and live the life they deserve.

Supporting clients to have ‘choice’ is why we do what we do

~ Kelly Hill, Director q4 financial

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