q4 financial

Giving more beyond our shores

Red shoe box surrounded by kids toys and clothes.

Giving more beyond our shores

Australians across the country are preparing for the festive summer holidays. Shopping and searching for the best gifts and tastiest treats. It’s a great time of year for so many here in Australia and abroad, but, unfortunately not for all.  In our second segment of the Giving More video series, the team shares how they came together to support Operation Christmas Child and what it means to be able to give back to children in need. [Click play on the video below to watch now. Article continued below.]

Giving more with q4
Giving More from q4 – Video Series Ep. 2.

Knowing that not everyone has the same privilege and opportunities, our q4 Giving Team decided to support an organisation that strives to spread hope and joy beyond our sandy shores. Operation Christmas Child, run by the Samaritan’s Purse, is a project that involves filling shoe boxes with toys, hygiene items, school supplies, and fun gifts to distribute to children in need worldwide. This year is special for the organisation as they are preparing to deliver the 200 millionth shoebox. 

The q4 team is happy to support this caring project. Sophie Spiteri was on the team for our second quarterly Giving Program project. She explains, “It’s important to give back to children overseas because we are very fortunate here in Australia. We have a lot of opportunities. Much more than many other countries.”  By supporting Operation Christmas Child, q4 is able to work towards our promise to meet three of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Specifically, goals #1 No poverty, #3 Good health and well-being, and #10 Reduced inequalities.

Giving more with thoughtful planning 

To make it all happen, the Giving Team thought about what was most important to them. With the holidays coming up, the team decided it was important to do something for children. From there the choice of Operation Christmas Child made sense to increase the global reach of our impact. “Helping kids feel loved, especially at Christmas time is important. It can be isolating and lonely for so many at this time of year. If we can somehow send them a big, warm hug in the form of a shoebox gift, it helps.” Erica Quinn.  

Filling the boxes with meaningful items, they selected an array of items: clothing, fun toys, and toiletries. Sorting everything into different categories of age groups and genders, they created a shopping list. “The shopping was fun!” Erica shares. “We picked out all sorts of gifts. Bright positive colours and larger sizes so they can grow into the matching outfits. It’s great knowing it will brighten their lives.”   

The Giving Team created an assembly line to pack the twenty boxes by laying everything out in our boardroom. This allowed the whole q4 team to participate packing the boxes. This is exactly what q4 financial wants to see happen with the Giving Program. “This program is very important to q4. We started it to give back to our community, but it has also become a means to bring our team together.” Alethea Rose, Director.  

Giving more to inspire 

q4 financial is very pleased with the success of the program so far. In addition to inspiring our own team, q4 hopes this program will help encourage others to find wealth in giving back. q4 believes wealth can be more than financial. That we can also work to increase our social and moral wealth through giving. Actions such as offering time and skills, as well as donating funds, help our community flourish, near and far. Especially during the holidays, but of course, throughout the whole year.  

To learn more about the q4 Giving Program, click here. Our next giving category will focus on Health and Wellbeing.  

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