For our third quarter Giving Program cause, we are focusing our care and attention on a disease that silently affects more than 830,000 Australian women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals: endometriosis. With a team made up of mostly women, the q4 Giving Team wanted to bring attention to a disease that is often overlooked or misunderstood.
By supporting Endometriosis Australia, we are helping to increase awareness and their fundraising efforts. Raising money for this charity, our team is helping to fund endometriosis research, education, awareness, and support for those who have it.
In addition to fundraising (DONATE HERE), the q4 team will be participating in an Endo End Fun Run/Walk on 21 March 2023, at 5:00 PM. Dressed in yellow, the team will walk from Brisbane CBD to Southbank to bring awareness to the disease and the charity. You will also see our team wearing Yellow throughout the month of March.

What is endometriosis?
It is a common disease where the tissue that normally lines the uterus (womb) grows outside the uterus. Growing in other parts of the body (intestines, bladder and even the brain) causing pain and/or infertility.
Diagnosis of the disease can take upwards of 6.5 years due to the significant variances of symptoms. Additionally, the symptoms and their severity can vary across individuals, and the pain’s effects on a person’s life are personal. Pain, cramping, bloating, fatigue, and nausea can reduce a person’s productivity, concentration, and ability to enjoy their lives.
This disease is disruptive. For both the patient, their loved ones, and their workplace.
“In an Australian government report, endometriosis is reported to cost Australian society $9.7 billion annually with two-thirds of these costs attributed to a loss in productivity with the remainder, approximately $2.5 billion being direct healthcare costs” (Endometriosis Australia, 2023)
Supporting Endometriosis Australia is important to our team, especially when the team is more than 2/3rd women. It is not surprising to discover that endometriosis has touched or affected several members of the q4 team and their loved ones. Some of our members have shared their stories to help highlight just how it has affected them. Watch below:
What we will be doing
This Giving Program initiative aims to bring awareness and raise funds for Endometriosis Australia.
- Wearing Yellow throughout the month of March
- Participating in the Endo End Fun Run/Walk on 21 March, 5 pm
- Donating to & raising funds for Endometriosis Australia – DONATE HERE
We are excited to invite you to join our efforts!
Join q4 in supporting women and raising awareness for this disease. We’d love to have you take part in one or more of our Giving Program activities.